Thursday, March 15, 2012

I guess I should start with at least one update. I'll do it in letter form.

Dear people reading this. Do not take me too seriously. Though, depending on the day, I may discuss serious matters, I'm trying to keep this light. I have wayyyyyy too much in life weighing me down to have it bleed onto the internet.
And I'm keeping everything in vague generalities. So don't get all offended. I got burned when I had a really awesome blog that I've since had to shut down because people suck and don't know how to not be crazy. (Yes, that is plural. There are a few people who were trying to check up on my every move, and thats not paranoia, thats been registered and admitted in open court)

But, I am not able to stay away from the internet long. And I need to voice my vitriol somewhere. I mean, everyones sick of hearing me talk. Why not just type it into a box that doesn't give me feedback! YAY

Ok, now that we've got that established, I can go to bed. I have a CRAZY amount of stuff to do in the AM. But I want to read Enty's page all day because I want to see if @Himmm/RDJ(orly?) is going to spill some more beans.
Was it even confirmed it was RDJ yet? I mean, everyone said it was. And that movie with him and Ryan O'Neal.... Chances Are...... Unfortunately, thats one of my favorite movies of all time. Probably has to do with my relating to Cybill Shepherd, and wishing that story COULD be true because then I could be reunited with someone that I super cared about that died 16 years ago.

enough already, goodnight.

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